Eryk Wrochna

Level Designer

"Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Eryk, an aspiring game designer currently studying at FutureGames Warsaw with a keen focus on level design. With a passion for crafting immersive gaming experiences, I've already developed two projects during my studies, with another exciting project I'm currently working on, and embarked on several personal projects. Within these projects, I strive to create dynamic, engaging, and atmospheric levels that players will remember throughout their whole playthrough. PS. Full playthroughs of my levels can be found on YouTube."

WIP Title


"The Neighborhood Accident" is the brainchild of my team's creativity during our GP1 adventure—a quirky 3D puzzle narrative game that marks my debut in game development. It's a fun project we cooked up and tossed onto for everyone to enjoy. Built with Unity, we whipped it together in just three weeks, pouring our hearts into every twist and turn to ensure players have a blast exploring it.


My roles:
Gameplay design
Sound design
Level design

During GP2, I led the level design for "Mirage Rush," an awesome third-person sandboarding game. My job was to build several rough draft levels before diving into the final design. Alongside my team, I also handled the level dressing, adding all the finishing touches to bring the level to life. This project was the grand finale of our Unity escapades, wrapping up our journey on a high note.


My roles:
Lead level designer

This project is still a work in progress, and I am responsible for the level design and numerous events that will happen inside our game. Our huge inspiration is P.T. Silent Hill. We will fully utilize loops in our game, creating different gameplay techniques and level techniques to craft an immersive and terrifying story based on a real-life experience.


My roles:
Level designer

Introducing a project deeply rooted in my admiration for the Witcher series, which stands as my all-time favorite game. It's a passion project born from my love for the dark fantasy theme and the captivating open-world design exemplified by the Witcher games. As I pour my heart into this creation, I'm driven by the desire to capture the essence of what makes the Witcher series so special.

Status: WIP

Map & Level/Quest design Idea

I really wanted to capture the atmosphere of The Witcher as much as possible while also creating an interesting quest design that mimics an open-world game like The Witcher, but ultimately it's a linear quest.

In this level, I also decided not to use blockout and opted for free assets from the marketplace. I wanted to switch up and challenge myself in the same field but with a different approach.

The quest states that the merchant got ambushed, and the player has to retrieve the merchant's wares from the bandits. The merchant also provides important information for the player, stating that the bandit camp is located behind a statue up ahead.

When the player finally completes the first part of the quest, they receive information from the merchant regarding a different quest. This quest foreshadows a mission to slay a monster that attacked a nearby village, promising a substantial prize. However, what the player doesn't know is the twists and turns this quest will entail.

When the player is en route to the village, they can catch sight of a dragon attacking a nearby area, subtly foreshadowing the next quest.

Finally, I utilized many collider boxes to trigger certain events within the world, making it feel more alive and dynamic. I believe this is a crucial aspect, as it adds depth and breathes life into the game, echoing an important pillar of The Witcher series.

Introducing a Resident Evil 8-inspired level that I collaborated on with two colleagues for a school assignment. We divided the level into three parts, with me working on two of them and providing advice on the third. In my opinion, we successfully captured the atmosphere and architecture of the level, infusing it with life while also making it disturbing. Additionally, I believe I created a highly effective blockout level for my assigned areas.

Status: Completed

I was tasked with setting the tone for our level, and I accomplished this by starting the player in the forest. I quickly directed their attention to the distant entrance with the massive mansion looming in the background. This setup aimed to convey a sense of scale and provide the player with a clear objective from the outset.

When the player steps out to the prison area, they are presented with two options. One path is visibly blocked, indicating to the player that it is inaccessible. Meanwhile, the other path is open and accessible, guiding the player towards their intended direction.

This second part of the level takes place inside the mansion, where players are tasked with solving puzzles to ultimately escape. I created the blockout of the mansion's interior, aiming to mimic the architecture of Resident Evil 8. Designing the mansion and setting the atmosphere was a particularly enjoyable aspect of the project for me.

Introducing my Uncharted-inspired level. The idea behind this project was to challenge myself and create an action-packed third-person level heavily influenced by Uncharted. I believe I successfully captured the atmosphere of the level and crafted a compelling quest to showcase my level design skills. While this project is still a work in progress with more planned, I'm nonetheless proud of what I've achieved so far.

Status: WIP

When starting the level, I aimed for the player to immediately see their main objective: the town in the distance. I attempted to mimic a technique used by Naughty Dog in Uncharted and The Last of Us by presenting the player with an awe-inspiring vista of the destination they are heading towards.

I also incorporated various events to maintain the player's interest while traversing through the level. These events included numerous climbing sections, rope swinging, pushing items, shooting, and sliding down hills. The implementation of the iWALS system by Jakub W greatly enhanced my level, taking it to another level of immersion and engagement.

Another goal I set for this level was to create a visually appealing environment blockout. I designed unique areas for the player to traverse, some of which can be previewed here.